Le Château Du Barry

Built in 1700, on order of Louis XIV, for Arnold de Ville, designer / engineer of la Machine de Marly

Inhabited by various grandchildren of Louis XIV during the first half of the 18th century

Given to Madame du Barry by Louis XV in 1769 upon her elevation to the title of "principle mistress" of the king

Enlarged by the architect Gabriel 1769-1771, who added the western wings

The Pavillon de Musique built on the adjacent property in 1771 by the architect Claude-Nicholas Ledoux to serve as entertainment annex

Madame du Barry arrested here in 1793 on orders of the Revolutionary court

Was part of an international scandal of pillaging and neglect of French historical châteaux

View from the North-east

View of the northern west wing
(added in 1770)

View from rue de la Machine,
back of the west wing

View of the main stairs

Temple in the park (by Ledoux?)

The Salon

The Diningroom

Detail, Diningroom wood paneling

Detail, Diningroom wood paneling